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GIS in the Movies and TV

  • November 16, 2021
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Watch a special virtual double feature of "GIS in the Movies and TV" Part I and II 

Tuesday, November 16th at 4:30 - 6:30pm   

Presenter: Gene Del Greco, GISP

Moderator:  Josh Revels, The Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Facility Education Resource Center (ERC)

Short GIS After Talk: Frank LaFone, WVAGP, WVGISTC, co-host VerySpatial

Sponsored by the West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals (WVAGP)


History of GIS in Movies and TV Part I: A look at the history of GIS in Film and Television

Where was the first place you saw GIS or GPS? Was it in high school or college, or maybe in a newscast? Think harder. Chances are that you might have caught your first glimpse of these technologies in movies and on television, perhaps even before they were invented. Since the early 20th century movies and television have been portraying GIS and geospatial systems. From map tracking devices in James Bond to police station maps plotting criminal activity to sci-fi futurescapes where every piece of information is spatially modeled (and available by talking to a voice-enabled computer). This presentation will provide a historical look at how GIS technologies have been presented in the past in both film and television.

History of GIS in Movies and TV Part II: A look at the history of GIS in Film and Television

Can a sequel capture the grandeur of the original or are they forever doomed to the bargain bin of direct to DVD GIS presentations? Since the early 20th century movies and television have been portraying GIS and geospatial systems. This presentation will provide a historical look at how GIS technologies have been presented in the past in both film and television (Tropes).


NASA IV&V ERC invite: 

Topic: History of GIS in Movies and TV

Time: Nov 16, 2021 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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