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West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals

Current Standing Committees

The following committees are authorized by WVAGP Bylaws Section 8.1. All committees can be joined by any active member. If you wish to join a committee, please contact the committee chair.

Audit Committee - Hussein Elkhansa and Frank LaFone
To report and recommend on matters and methods of communication with the membership and the public, for promoting an awareness of geospatial technologies, and for facilitating networking among members.

Communications and Outreach Committee - Dusty Hays and Taryn Moser
To report and recommend on matters and methods of communication with the membership and the public, for promoting an awareness of geospatial technologies, and for facilitating networking among members.

Conference Committee - Aaron Ferrari and Marvin Davis
To report and recommend on plans for the annual conference and other membership meetings.

Election Committee - Stacy McDaniel and Meryl Friedrich
To report and recommend on nomination and election procedures.

Strategic Operations Committee - Frank LaFone and Barb MacLennan 
To report and recommend on the association’s strategic plan and established policies, and coordination with governmental bodies and agencies.

Training Committee - Jessica Gormont and Amanda Adams 
To report and recommend on methods for identifying training needs, methods of training, and training resources.

Technical Issues Committee - Austin Dotson and Jessica Gormont
To report and recommend on issues relevant to strategic planning, data development, standards, and shared services.

Current Special Committees

These committees were authorized by WVAGP Bylaws Section 8.2 for their stated purposes, but have not yet been moved to a standing committee as listed in WVAGP Bylaws Section 8.1.

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