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West Virginia Association of Geospatial Professionals


Below are Frequently Asked Questions about WV GeoCon. Additional questions can be sent to or see our Contact page for more options.

What are the individual registration rates?

Registration Type

Before April 19, 2025

April 19, 2025 and After

Active Member



Membership Renewal with Registration (Optional Add-On)



Non-Member or Guest



Student + Renewal*



One-Day (Only for Monday or Tuesday)



*If you are a student who is not a  WVAGP member and you need the student rate, please reach out to for the discount code.

What are the sponsor registration rates?

We are pleased to offer the following sponsorship opportunities for WV GeoCon. See the Sponsorship page for more information, such as number of tables, number of representatives, sponsorship benefits, and more.

Registration Type*  Rate

Gold Level Sponsor


Silver Level Sponsor


Bronze Level Sponsor


Geo Supporter Sponsor


Government Sponsor**


*Bronze, Silver, and Gold level sponsors may add additional waived representative(s) during registration. One registrant registers as the "ticket" and the other(s) as the "guest(s)" on that registration.

**Educational/Non-Profit/Government sponsors must provide proof of eligibility to

Are any workshops included with my registration?

We have certain tickets that will enable you to attend any workshop that we have scheduled, but seating is limited and you aren’t guaranteed a seat until the workshop is confirmed. There is no additional cost for the workshop. To register for a workshop, look for “+ Workshop” in the ticket type when registering.

I already paid my 2025-2026 membership dues. What do I do?

If you have paid your 2025-2026 membership dues, register at the member rate, but do not answer “Yes” to the question in the form to include your next year’s membership dues. If you have any additional questions, contact

Are my dues included in the registration fee?

Member dues are an optional add-on to your conference registration. If you choose to include your dues, we are providing a $5 discount. Student and sponsor registrations include dues as part of the rate.

My registration is being covered by my employer but they will not cover the membership fee. What should I do?

To pay for your membership fee and registration fee separately, please register or renew your membership at Your membership status won’t be set to “Active” until your dues are paid. If there are any issues or further questions, please reach out to

I can only attend one day of the conference - do I still pay the entire fee?

We offer a one-day rate for Monday or Tuesday for $135. We do not currently offer half-day rates.

How can I request an invoice or receipt?

Once you've completed your registration, click the "Invoice" button on the final page. To access your Invoices, go to your profile by clicking your name at the top of this page. If you are not logged in, first log in to see your name at the top of the screen. On your profile screen click “Invoices and Payments” on the menu bar. On the menu bar you should see Transactions with the invoice of your registration. You may also request one directly by emailing

Can my guest attend sessions?

Guests are included on the Non-Member rate, so they are welcome to attend any non-workshop sessions.

What is the cancellation policy?

Your registration fee will be refunded we receive a cancellation request before May 16, 2025. Substitutions can be made. No refunds will be made after May 16, 2025. If you need to cancel your registration - whether you are eligible for a refund or not - please reach out to

Do you share my email address with sponsors?

No, we do not give out contact information to anyone without your express permission.

Will I have Wi-Fi for my session?

WV GeoCon will have Wi-Fi throughout the conference space. Additional coverage for greater or faster coverage may be arranged by the attendee with the hotel directly.

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